Pets are like a part of the family. They bring smiles to our lips, laughter to our homes and love to our hearts, and in return, we do everything we can to ensure that they are happy and healthy. Although many people are meticulous about bathing and brushing their furry friends, there is one thing that often gets overlooked – dental care. Caring for your pet’s teeth is a huge part of being a pet owner. Don’t wait until your next trip to our veterinarian in Levittown; proper dental care starts at home, and there are many reasons as to why it is so important.
Poor dental habits can lead to periodontal disease. Periodontal disease, often called gum disease, afflicts approximately seventy percent of cats and eighty percent of dogs, and it is caused by a buildup of tartar and plaque in our pets’ mouths. Periodontal disease may seem harmless enough, but it can lead to a variety of other health complications for your pet. Bacteria from your pet’s mouth can get into their bloodstream, where it could lead to problems in their kidneys, liver or even heart. Periodontal disease can also cause pain while eating or chewing, bad breath and may even lead to loss of teeth.
Your pet’s dental health goes far beyond just their mouth, it can affect their entire body! Don’t leave your pet’s health up to chance. Take control and start caring for your pet’s teeth the right way. Stay tuned for our next blog to learn tips and tricks from our veterinarian on how to care for your pet’s teeth.