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Tips for Caring for a New Puppy

Have you just brought home a new puppy? Puppies are so much fun, but raising them can certainly be a challenge. But no matter how challenging or frustrating puppies can be, raising them is incredibly rewarding, and in no time, they will be important members of your family. In our last blog, our North Merrick veterinary clinic gave you a couple of tips for caring for your new puppy. The following is the last couple of steps that you should take to ensure that you are raising a happy and healthy puppy:

  • Prepare for teething – Your puppies baby teeth will start to be replaced by permanent teeth within the first six months of life. Your puppy is likely to chew quite a bit when they are teething, so provide them with plenty of toys. Keep a close eye on your puppy to make sure that they are chewing on appropriate things, and be sure to keep dangerous materials, like electric cords, out of their reach.
  • Train your puppy – As you may have heard, training a puppy is much easier than training an adult dog, so start training your dog as soon as you can. Once your new puppy has all of their vaccines, it is safe to bring them out into the world, and now is a great time to sign up for a training course with your new puppy. It is also important to start taking your dog on walks and establish yourself as the pack leader.

Do you have questions or concerns about caring for your new puppy? If so, contact us today! We are always happy to help.

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