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Thanksgiving Safety Tips for Your Dog Part 2

Thanksgiving Safety Tips for Your Dog Part 2

The holidays can be a rough time for dogs, but there are many things you can do to keep your dog safe this Thanksgiving.

Every year, many dog owners find themselves sitting in emergency veterinary clinics because their dog ate or did something they shouldn’t. With all of the commotion and guests, the holidays can be particularly rough for dogs, but luckily, there are many things you can do to make the holidays safer and less stressful for both you and your dog. Check out our last blog to learn about the tips our Levittown veterinarian has already covered, and keep reading to learn more tips to keep your dog safe this Thanksgiving.

#5. Know what’s safe and what’s not safe for your dog to eat.

While, ideally, your dog won’t eat any table scraps, sometimes, it’s downright impossible to say no to those big, soulful eyes. However, if you give in to your dog’s incessant begging, you better be 100 percent sure that what you are feeding them is safe for them to eat. A few definite no-no’s include cooked bones, chocolate, mushrooms, onions and turkey skin. When in doubt about whether something is safe or not for your dog to ingest, DON’T FEED IT TO THEM!

#6. Be careful with your decorations.

Decorating your home for the holidays is half the fun, but when you have a dog, it pays to be cautious with how you do so. If you’re using more electrical cords than you typically do, make it a point to keep it out of your dog’s reach, because if they were to chew on an electrical cord, they could get electrocuted. But really, anything your dog could potentially chew or ingest should be safely out of their reach, electrical or not, as dogs are known for swallowing foreign objects that typically have to be fished out surgically later on.


#7. Make it a point to clean up properly.

Not only is the actual food you prepare tempting for your furry friend, but so is the garbage can when it’s full of bones and table scraps. Rancid food that is left in garbage cans is full of nasty bacteria that can make your dog sick; plus there’s likely table scraps in the garbage that are toxic for your dog. Make it a point to take any garbage that contains food scraps outside right away, or just make sure that it’s in a location your dog can’t get to.

#8. Provide your dog with plenty of exercise.

In all of the stress of planning out your meal, decorating your home and getting everything on the table, it’s easy to push aside your dog’s exercise needs — after all, it’s just one day! But, Thanksgiving is not like any other day, and your dog will almost certainly pick up on the little bit of additional stress that’s in the air. If you skip the walk, this could make your dog even more keyed up and unpredictable. Don’t neglect giving your dog the exercise they need, especially on Thanksgiving!

We hope these tips will help you to enjoy a safe, stress-free Thanksgiving with your furry friend! If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call!

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