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More Tips for Taking an Aggressive Dog to the Vet

More Tips For Taking An Aggressive Dog To The Vet

Taking your dog to our veterinary clinic in North Bellmore doesn’t have to be stressful. 

When you have an aggressive dog, a visit to the vet can be one of the most stressful situations you will have to deal with. That is why, in our last blog, we gave you a few helpful tips for keeping your dog calm at the vet. To recap, we talked about positive reinforcement, practicing exams at home and teaching them basic commands. The following is a list of our last tips for taking your aggressive dog to the vet:

#6. Make them comfortable in a muzzle. 

Sometimes the best way to keep your dog from biting anyone at the vet is with a muzzle. Muzzles aren’t cruel, in fact, they are generally soft, comfortable and easy to breathe through. They also tend to give dogs a firm sense of resignation and they can help to relax them as well. However, just like anything else, your dog needs to have time to get used to wearing a muzzle in a safe, comfortable environment. Put the muzzle on at home and give them tasty treats and lots of praise when they wear it.


Artboard 13#7. Talk to your vet about drugs.

When all else fails, you may have to resort to drugs to keep your dog calm. However, you should ALWAYS talk to your veterinarian before administering any drugs to your dog. Your vet may prescribe something and tell you to try it at home beforehand, that way you can have a clear understanding of how the drug affects your dog in an environment that is safe and comfortable for them.

Do you have questions or concerns about taking your aggressive dog to the vet? Contact us at East Meadow Veterinary Center today!

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